NORDIC FOS´ first floor heating panels were developed in 2002
Our first floor heating panels, which we developed in 2002, were based on a specially developed plywood just 15 mm thick with 11 crossed layers of wood. We then glued on a 0.3 mm aluminium heat distribution panel. At the time, this was the thinnest and most advanced floor heating system on the market, and it was installed in many construction and renovation projects.

A constant innovative development process towards a green transition
Since our first floor heating system, NORDIC FOS has constantly worked to develop energy-efficient floor heating panels that increase comfort, save energy, shorten response time and become easier and faster to install.

Since 2017, NORDIC FOS has produced floor heating panels in XPS
Many of the products we developed previously were based on EPS, a well-insulating material which however proved not to have the desired compressive strength (long-term) and to suffer from issues with excessive moisture absorption. Therefore, in 2017, we switched to producing floor heating panels in XPS instead.

NORDIC FOS´ new floor heating system has been made in collaboration with technical universities
The new XPS floor heating panels from NORDIC FOS have been developed in close collaboration with technical universities. A team of experts was tasked with developing the perfect floor heating system, both in terms of energy consumption and installation. Therefore, the new range of floor heating panels has been designed to regulate temperature quickly – allowing night setback and continuous control, resulting in much lower heating bills.
The principle behind the development work is that the heating coils are placed closer to the floor, with less distance between the heating coils and in a smaller dimension than before. The floor heating panel also needed a compressive strength sufficient to install wooden floors, laminate, tile and natural stone on top without the use of pressure-distributing panels. At the same time, it was important that the new floor heating system was also able to cope with future demands for both heating and cooling. In that regard, XPS has a very important quality, as Nordic XPS has a moisture absorption of less than 0.7%, whereas EPS has a moisture absorption of up to 7%.

Further green development in the future
It is our clear vision to continue the development of heating systems that promote the green transition. In our products we focus on sensible materials and integrate the principles of "Cradle to Cradle". In addition, we are always working on new production methods which efficiently result in a lower CO2 footprint on our planet. We do this by collaborating with the Danish Technological Institute and the University of Southern Denmark to develop the next generation of "Industry 4.0" process plants using the latest robotic technology.

Development with a focus on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
NORDIC FOS´ clear ambition is to work on developing our products with respect for the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our approach is humble, but we have a strong focus on doing things better tomorrow than we did yesterday.