NORDIC FOS Floor heating panels are the architect's favourite choice

Floor heating of the future:
- highly responsive, energy-saving, greater architectonic freedom – from NORDIC FOS
In recent years, development in floor heating has seen a shift from heating coils cast into concrete to light floor heating panels that distribute heat quickly. This has helped to reduce energy consumption. This is what makes NORDIC FOS floor heating panels the sensible choice when new energy-efficient buildings are to be constructed or when older buildings are being modernised. NORDIC FOS floor heating can be used as the sole source of heat in a building, eliminating the need for radiators and allowing far greater architectural freedom.

Developed by Scandinavian universities
The new floor heating panels from NORDIC FOS have been developed in close collaboration with technical universities. A team of experts was tasked with developing the perfect floor heating system, both in terms of energy consumption and installation. The new range of floor heating panels has therefore been designed to regulate temperature quickly, among other things, allowing night setback and ongoing thermostat adjustment. This reduces energy consumption which benefits the environment and reduces costs. The principle behind the development work is that the heating coils are placed close to the new floor, with less distance between the heating coils and a smaller dimension than before.

ALL-IN-ONE solution – for all types of flooring
NORDIC FOS floor heating panels are the latest floor heating system with an ALL-IN-ONE solution. You only need one panel to complete your floor heating work. The panel includes U-shaped tracks for turning the coils + additional tracks for supply flow as well as aluminium heat distribution across the entire surface. The panel has been designed to have an extra high compressive strength, allowing almost all types of flooring to be installed:
- Wooden flooring
- Laminate
- Parquet flooring
- Herringbone parquet
- Tiles
- Natural stone
- Cast floor, etc.
Read more about the benefits of NORDIC FOS floor heating panels here.

Response time of just 30 minutes
Older floor heating systems based on heating coils cast in concrete often have a response time of 24 hours. NORDIC FOS new systems cut that response time to just 30 minutes. Therefore, a room thermostat can easily regulate heat consumption on a continuous basis – e.g. when, during the day, the sun offers natural heating. Or when there are a lot of people in the room. A thermostat can regulate heat consumption continuously, thus saving consumers on heating bills and allowing them to enjoy a much better indoor climate.
A rule of thumb from Dansk Energi is that when flow temperature increases by 1 degree, energy consumption increases by 2 percent. With NORDIC FOS´ floor heating panels, flow temperature only needs to be 30–32°C, which results in more energy-efficient heating. The energy savings which can be made relative to floor heating cast into concrete can be up to 20% with the same heating comfort. The system meets the DS 469 requirements for light structures, which means that the system can be used as a primary heat source.

Suitable for all forms of energy, including low energy
What is unique to NORDIC FOS floor heating panels is their ability to utilise heat from low energy systems, geothermal, solar and heat pump systems, where flow temperature can be kept as low as 30–35 degrees compared to 50–60 degrees for traditional radiator systems.

Extra thin version for renovations
For renovations in older homes, installation height is often a significant challenge. Here, NORDIC FOS´ floor heating panels are available in a special design which is only a few millimetres thicker than the actual heating coil – 16 mm in height for 12 mm heating coils and just 19 mm for 16 mm heating coils, making the panels suitable for precisely these tasks.

Installation of NORDIC FOS floor heating systems must be carried out by, or in consultation with, a competent plumber.
Click here to read more about installing a NORDIC FOS floor heating system.

If you have questions or need help with projects involving floor heating systems, please contact us here.